
Ozzy Man & Kolby at KLR Productions Collab

KLR is a comedy voice dub channel with two top blokes, Kolby and Austin, running the show in Seattle USA. They are doing hysterically funny top notch work, so it was time for a collaboration!

Most of these clips are being distributed by KLR Productions and myself as a short snippets. Why? You guessed it! To please the shitty arse algorithms across the platforms.

So, it’s nice to have a full mega compilation available on my shiny Subby Stacky account (it was also put out on YT and FB, buuuuut ya may have missed it there).

I’ve intercut a lot of the narratives so it is hopefully not a boring watch.

Ya know, I’m not just advocating for longer timecode videos to be served more on the social media platforms again for the hell of it, or purely to generate mid-roll advertising income, I do 100% fair dinkum sincerely want my longer video edits and cheeky themes + narratives to motor along and be engaging.

No killer, all filler type thing, righto?

Video editing will always be my first love when it comes to creativity. I started doing it when I was 13 years old in 1999 on iMovie via a Mac G3. Photo below for reference folks:

Shout out to Leeming Senior High School in Perth, Australia, for providing that farken cutting edge equipment! And shout out to Mr. Williams who didn’t give a single bloody toss if I skipped other classes (“wagged” is the Aussie slang) or lunch times to stay in the media room and practise editing by myself. It’s how I wanted spend my adolescence and I find as I get older now I am more grateful towards the adults who were around me in that era and didn’t question or belittle my passions. It’s rare, I think.

Anyhow, what a rambler.



Here’s the first ever iMovie logo:

Fuck yes, iMovie, fuck yes.