
Destination F'd - Episode 38!

Kapow! It's the series that remains evergreen for yours truly.

This episode is mostly powered by the submissions at ozzyman.com/submit ay!

It’s impressive how many Ozzy Man viewers out there have their own tales of Destination Farked! And have also caught them on video.

I don’t encourage setting shit up or faking fails to send ‘em in to me, but if it’s something that happens organically and doesn’t lead to FINAL Destination Farked…then it’s all good yeah nah yeah?

Enjoy as always!

I’m off to the AFL Grand Final for a few days to support my Brisbane Lions. My membership number came up in the ballot so I’m one of those lucky wankers that gets a ticket and will be amongst the 100k crowd. Lookin’ forward to Katy Perry havin’ a sing as well.

Fark yes, everyone, fark yes!

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